Cape Town: 3/9/15 (Week 17)

Guys, what a week. Wow….every single week on my mission has been a blessing and amazing in their own way, but this week I can’t even describe.. But I will try. Since I am training we have to go on a lot of exchanges. We went with the zone leaders and AP’s for a few days this week. We ended up teaching 30 lessons this week! We had a baptism and two of our recent converts got the Priesthood this week! It was just amazing.


I think it is crazy to think about my work ethic now and before my mission. My mission has taught me so many life lessons and skills that I completely lacked. I still can be better and I still can improve so much, but that is an ongoing life process. Just get a little bit better everyday, learn something new each day. I love missionary work, but you need to make it fun! And that is what I have learned on my mission is how we can be obedient and have fun too! It is awesome!

First off, the baptism. What a spiritual time for me when he entered into the font. His name is Charles, he is 49. A white guy, very wealthy. Lives in a nice house and he feeds us steak and lobster and things every single week, just a great, great man. He has been getting taught for TWO YEARS! So it has been a tag team of missionaries going one after another trying to get this man baptized and he finally did. We met with him last night and he was just so happy and he said he has been waiting a long time for this day and it finally came. He was in tears as he was sharing his testimony with us. Amazing people you meet on a mission.


The second really cool thing was that our recent converts we baptized got the Priesthood this week as well! They told me they couldn’t even describe the feeling they got and they described how they were feeling the spirit. They told us they have this authority from God and they always need to remain worthy! It built my testimony on the power of the Priesthood! And, we have Charles getting the Holy Ghost next week, and we have another baptism for Mike Bosala. Can’t wait for that either!

There is this one guy that we met who is so funny. He is this guy from Cameroon named Walters and he is obsessed with me hahahha…Whenever he calls or we call the first thing he says is “TAYLOOOOOR!!!!!” Hahhahahahahhaha! He walked into his lesson and I said to Elder Nienaber guarantee first thing he says is “Tayyyyylooooor” So, we walked in and what do you know…so happy he runs up to me and yells taylor hahaha… I don’t even want to correct him that it is “Elder Taylor” because it is too funny…. During the lesson he just stares directly at me the entire time. I said “So Walters, how is life man?” And he goes “Well Taylor….” And then answers…hahaha the Lord’s promise is that we can touch certain people by being ourselves! We committed him for baptism on the last week in April, excited for that!


One lady we go and see is a less active and her name is Sister Abrams. Her son just left for a mission and she is having a super hard time. I cried in one lesson to her bearing my solemn witness and testimony of how the Lord blesses the missionary and his family so much for our service. Yesterday she said she would close in prayer for the first time I have ever met with her. But she did and she could barely get through the prayer from her tears. She said “Lord, thank you so much for these missionaries. For loving my family and loving me.” And she was just bawling, spirit was so strong.

I just truly and honestly love my mission. It is just amazing… amazing… I would rather be here than anywhere else right now teaching the restored gospel of Jesus Christ to His children. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!


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